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Young Dementia Oxfordshire – changes to service delivery

Young Dementia Oxfordshire – changes to service delivery

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Statement for stakeholders

On Monday 1 st April 2024, responsibility for providing support for young onset dementia in Oxfordshire will pass from Dementia UK to Age UK Oxfordshire and will be delivered as part of its wider Dementia Oxfordshire service.

This change means that the Young Onset Dementia Advisors will have access to a local team with a strong track record of supporting people with dementia and who know Oxfordshire well.

The service will continue to be led by an Admiral Nurse who is embedded in the Dementia Oxfordshire team, retaining strong links with Dementia UK. The service will be delivered as before, supporting people individually and as families, and through groups and activities.

Peter Johnson, Head of Dementia Services at Dementia Oxfordshire said:
Over the last four years we have built a strong relationship with Dementia UK through our joint endeavour to deliver the Young Dementia Oxfordshire service which led to a partnership to embed an Admiral Nurse in Dementia Oxfordshire. It became obvious that also embedding the Young Dementia Oxfordshire team in the service was the best way forward for all parties.

I’m keen to raise the profile of young onset dementia in the county and demonstrate to a wider audience the difference specialist advisors make to the lives of people living with young onset dementia.

Paul Edwards, Director of Clinical Services at Dementia UK said:
Our strong partnership with Age UK Oxfordshire has been developed over several years. With the recent addition of an Admiral Nurse within Age UK Oxfordshire, there is now the opportunity to provide local leadership and support for the Young Dementia Oxfordshire service, further strengthening and coordinating the support needs of younger people with dementia across the county.

The Young Dementia Oxfordshire service provides amazing support to people with young onset dementia and their families, and I am sure it will continue to go from strength to strength with Age UK Oxfordshire in the future.

If you have any questions about the transfer of the service, please contact Peter Johnson, Head of Dementia Services, Dementia Oxfordshire at

Young Dementia Oxfordshire’s new email address is

Visit our young onset page to see how we support people diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65.

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