

Current opportunties

We’re currently finalising our volunteering roles for the coming year, so you may find that some of the information below is incomplete. If you’d like to volunteer with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out at

Music support volunteer

Volunteer from home as a befriender with the option of occasional visits to the person you call if you wish.

Skills needed:
Are you musical and willing to share your
passion and skills with our clients?

Time commitment:

Publicity and fundraising support

Putting up posters in your local area. Help get donations in kind from businesses.

Skills needed:

Time commitment:

A man stnading outside his car, with a volunteering badge

Community outreach volunteer

Assist our Dementia Advisers at information fairs, in the community, and Memory Clinics.

Skills needed:
A willingness to chat and be friendly

Time commitment:

group of people walking

Walking group and social activity support

Support a monthly walking or social group. Make someone living with dementia and their carer feel comfortable.

Skills needed:
A willingness to chat and be friendly

Time commitment:
Two to four hours, once a month.

Two women sat at a table

'Experts by Experience' group participant - People living with dementia

Our ‘Experts by Experience’ group for people living with dementia helps us learn from your real-life experiences. We’ll also ask for practical examples of how we, and other support services, could better support people living with dementia.

Skills needed:
A willingness to share

Time commitment:
Two hours, every other month, in Abingdon.

Please note: We will use the learning from these sessions to continually improve our training and education sessions. We won’t use any identifying information without your permission.

A man at his desk smiling

'Experts by Experience' group participant - Informal carer

Our ‘Experts by Experience’ group for informal carers enables you to share your unfiltered thoughts and experiences of how you’ve been supported as a carer. What could we, and other organisations be doing to better support you?

Skills needed:
A willingness to share

Time commitment:
Two hours, every month, meeting online.

Please note: We will use the learning from these sessions to continually improve our training and education sessions. We won’t use any identifying information without your permission.

Interested? Get in touch!

If you are interested in volunteering please contact us on 01865 410 210 or email so that we can find the role that is perfect for you. We look forward to working with you!

We provide training and on-going support for our volunteers. All volunteers are required to declare previous criminal convictions and provide two satisfactory references.

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