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What a super snapshot! Lovely smiles all round

What a super snapshot! Lovely smiles all round

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Meet our local Dementia Advisers Team who organised an Dementia Information Day held on May 31st at Witney Methodist Church.

This event was created to provide information and advice on anything relating to dementia for the local community. Several organisations who work in this field, attended as exhibitors.

The local church kindly provided tea, coffee, and cake for everyone at the event.

Dementia Oxfordshire, the event organiser, also organised a specific education session and Q&A for carers. The presentation covered information about dementia, how best to support someone living with dementia and support options.

We were delighted when the new mayor of Witney, Owen Collins, accepted our invitation and popped into our event to show his support for this community work. He was happy to meet our dementia team and talk about the event’s purpose and our work.

The Dementia Oxfordshire/Age UK Stand at the Dementia Open Day in Witney

Post Event

Since the event, feedback has been very positive. The exhibiting organisations found it to be a well-planned event that was well attended.

Our ‘Information Day’ visitors said they really enjoyed having all the different dementia support services in one place. It allowed for friendly talks with organisations, relevant advice, and answers to their questions.

We certainly will run this event again.

Different organisations attended the Dementia Open Day in Witney
Members of Dementia Oxfordshire standing alongside the mayor of Witney

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