We held our first ever choir session on Wednesday 8th March, and, despite the weather and short notice, 18 valiant people turned up for a joyful morning with Arne the Choir Master and his accordion!
Thanks to your help & support, we were able to secure some funding and transform it into a monthly session that will take place after the Carers’ Workshop in The Ampleforth Pub every third Wednesday of the month from 11.30am – 12.30pm.

With our Ampleforth Choir, we hope to provide the opportunity for people living with dementia and their carers to engage in singing sessions that could improve wellbeing and offer a chance to develop new friendships.
The previous session was held on the 15th March and it was amazing to see even more people turn up!! The next session will be on Wednesday 19th April 2023!
Joining is completely free and everyone is welcome! 😊
The Ampleforth Pub is located close to Oxford Bus routes and has plenty of parking.
For more information, please contact Angela Bynoe at: Angelabynoe@dementiaoxfordshire.org.uk