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Oxfordshire Care Awards 2023

Oxfordshire Care Awards 2023

2 minute read

The 2023 Oxfordshire Care Awards shall soon be upon us, so if you know someone that you would like to nominate for an award, now is your chance to put their name forward!

Hosted by the OACP, Carers Oxfordshire & Age UK Oxfordshire, there are a number of categories available to chose from, and the awards are all-inclusive, so you can nominate anyone whether they are a paid or unpaid carer or even a volunteer.

There are 3 possible ways to nominate someone:

  1. Print out the Nomination Form below, fill it out and then post your completed form to: Oxfordshire Care Awards, c/o Age UK Oxfordshire, 9 Napier Court, Barton Lane, Abingdon OX14 3YT
  2. Fill in the Nomination Form PDF below and email the completed form to awards@oacp.org.uk
  3. Complete the online Nomination Form available on the OACP website: https://oacp.org.uk/features/oxfordshire-care-awards-2023-inspiration-for-all/

The nomination process closes on Friday 31st March with the Awards being presented on the 24th April at the Voco Oxford Thames Hotel.

For more information, please email the OACP at awards@oacp.org.uk, or contact them at 0345 450 1276

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