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“My life hasn’t changed much” – Interview with BBC Radio Oxford

“My life hasn’t changed much” – Interview with BBC Radio Oxford

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

In a heartfelt and enlightening discussion, our incredible dementia ambassador, Glenn, and one of our wonderful dementia advisers, Melissa, participated in a fascinating radio interview with BBC Radio Oxfordshire on Wednesday. The interview served as a platform to raise awareness about dementia, share insights, challenges, and the importance of research into the condition.

One of the central themes explored during the interview was Glenn’s personal experience with dementia. Glenn shared stories and anecdotes, shedding light on the impact dementia has on individuals, families, and others.

The conversation emphasized the importance of early detection and diagnosis and the need for increased funding and resources for research.

Melissa and Glenn both stressed the significance of raising public awareness about dementia, dispelling stigmas and misconceptions surrounding the condition.

The interview succeeded in highlighting the importance of dementia awareness, the challenges faced by those affected, and the critical need for support and understanding. It served as a reminder that by working together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by dementia 💙

You can listen to the full interview here:

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