Support Line: 01865 410 210

Support Line:
01865 410 210


Dementia Oxfordshire is a service provided under contract by Age UK Oxfordshire and operates under their policies. The links below will take you to the corresponding policy pages on the … Read more

Medication and dementia

Someone living with dementia may struggle to regularly take what they’re prescribed, or be taking more medication than necessary.

Travel and holidays

A diagnosis of dementia can make travelling more difficult. There are some things that may make holiday planning easier and lots of tips to consider before you travel.

Research opportunities

Taking part in research has numerous benefits, including to those taking part. If you are interested in getting involved in research there are local and national projects seeking participants.

Music, the arts, and dementia

People living with dementia are able to carry on using the skills they have in areas such as making music, visual art and craft making, for far longer than it might once have been assumed.

Making the home dementia-friendly

Moving around the home can present challenges for someone living with dementia, and it’s important to reduce the risk of injury or falls. There are lots of things you can do to adapt the home and make it more ‘dementia-friendly’.

Make a donation

The kindness of our donors funds our efforts to provide exemplary care, advice, and support to all those living with dementia and their carers.

Hospital visits

A person with dementia might need to go into hospital at some point, but this can be a disorientating experiencing for them and can be stressful for you as their carer. There are things you can do to make the situation easier.

Financial and legal matters

You may have questions about how to pay for care and support and how to ensure your wishes and preferences can be respected.


It is important to continue to encourage people living with dementia to stay active to maintain their general health and wellbeing.

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