
Live Well Oxfordshire

Live Well Oxfordshire
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The information on Live Well Oxfordshire is a guide about services in Oxfordshire for adults (18+). You can also find information and advice online at about other ways that you can be supported.

Live Well Oxfordshire has been developed by Oxfordshire County Council in partnership with Age UK Oxfordshire and Affinity Works.

The directory has been designed to bring together information about groups and organisations offering services for adults with a variety of needs in one place.

You can search the directory to find information about services to help you live independently such as home care agencies, or organisations that can help with shopping or gardening.  It also includes information about care homes and health services such as GPs or dentists.

You can also use Live Well Oxfordshire to look for a new hobby, find out where you can get information about benefits, or support groups for people with health conditions.

As a member of the public, you can easily save shortlists of services you are interested in. You can also leave feedback for us about any services you have used; this will not be published but will be passed on to the service provider.

As a Provider, you can advertise your services free of charge on the site to members of the public, local authority practitioners and other professionals.

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